Enrichment Module ROI Calculator

Calculate the ROI of integrating a transaction enrichment module in your bank

With COCO{Enrichment}, it is possible to reduce chargeback losses by up to 25%. Banking users better understand their transactions and therefore make fewer inquiries to the contact center to clarify the source of the transactions.

Check now how much 

you can save

Chargebacks’ cost is extremely high nowadays. Not only in comissions, but in HR.

Let’s see now how to use this calculator to better understand how you can reduce costs in your banks just implementing our Data Enrichment module.

Select your bank’s monthly average amount of transactions and the amount you expend per managing a contact center phone call.

You will obtain the money you’re loosing in managing contact center cases and the amount your bank could save just integrating our transaction data enrichment module: COCO{Enrichment}.

*Source: A recent Ethoca-commissioned Aite Group study of the US market revealed that 96% of consumers want more details that help them easily recognize purchases, and nearly 25% of all transaction disputes could be avoided by delivering these details – including logos. It’s estimated that global chargeback volume will reach 615 million by 2021, fueled in large part by frustrated consumers turning to the dispute process unintentionally.
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Coinscrap Finance

Coinscrap Finance’s AI-powered categorization engine turns raw information into financial insights and enables you to deliver hyper-personalized digital experiences to your customers at scale.

Coinscrap Finance’s intelligent products enable businesses to leverage Open Banking to enhance affordability and risk assessments. Our predictive insights are built by combining transactions and enriched with data from other sources. Our products improve accuracy in decision-making, and support customers after acquisition through our engagement tools.

On-cloud, on-premise or vía SaaS

Dive into our technology through your prefered consumption type. Best-in-class integration.

Quality of data

Connect to the main banks and financial institutions worldwide.

Security and confidentiality

As an ISO 27001-certified company, all customer data is encrypted.

No PSD2 license required

We’ll provide you everything you need to operate under PSD2 regulation.

Trusted by developers

Updated and great API documentation for a fast and easy integration.

Fast time to market

White labeled tech products that drive you ahead of the market.